Graphic Design

Graphic Design Calicut Kerala

Graphic design plays a critical role in the buyer's journey. It may start simply by getting a customer's attention with a humorous, compelling, or interesting image in a display ad or social media post. This may lead them to a well-designed landing page that reinforces that same imagery. From there they might visit a product page with a high-quality photo to further engage. Follow-up emails, social posts, infographics, and more will continue to feature consistent, well-thought-out design–all the way through to conversion.

As a top graphic design firm, We understands the big picture and what it should look like. We know that graphic design concepts need to easily carry over from your logo into email templates, brochures, and social media pages seamlessly and we can make that happen for your brand.

Graphic Design In Social Media Calicut Kerala

How you are representing your brand online goes beyond your website and onto the pages of your social media accounts. Cover images and profile pictures are valuable real estate when it comes to sharing what you're all about. Is your brand taking advantage of the free space by sharing the best design you can?

Images account for about 75% of content posted by brands on Facebook. And images generate an 87% engagement rate–more than 10 times more than text-based status updates or links. Adding an image to your tweet can increase retweets by over 35%. If you're blogging (and you should be), images and infographics are key to keeping the reader interested and scrolling through your pages. Because we have broad experience across all of these platforms, we can see the forest for the trees.

Our Strategic Thinking in 'Graphic Design' will Embrace You!

The client's consumer (A.K.A. someone in the key target market) is someone that can get overlooked when juggling what the client wants with the designer's desire to create something that "looks great".

The process for creating a graphic design solution can be summarised as follows:

  1. Understand the objective of the work your are creating
  2. Gather all the information to be communicated, and conduct research as required
  3. Combine element like type and image into a format or medium that is suitable
  4. Experiment with the attributes and arrangement of elements using design principles
  5. Determine which solutions best communicate to achieve the objective
  6. Explore new combinations of the above
  7. Reduce the elements to achieve the objective as simply as possible
  8. Present the solution(s) is a way which allows the client to understand the thinking behind them
  9. Respond to feedback and refine the design until it is complete.

In the first step of "understanding the objective" the best designers take the opportunity presented by the project briefing (which is often informal and verbal rather that documented in writing) to take a step back and consider whether the objective itself is right and whether the solution which the client has in mind is right, or whether they are already heading in the wiring direction.

This is where having great communication skills is an asset.

"Understanding the objective" can be broken down further into an understanding of the following strategic elements:

  1. What are the client's business goals, broadly and in the context of the design task?
  2. What is your client's primary target market and brand positioning?
  3. What are the actions the client wants the end consumer to take?
  4. What are the end consumer's real needs and what will motivate them to take action?
  5. What environmental factors (like competitors and placement) are relevant?

Our 'Pro Designer' Skills.!

Communicate efficiently and effectively Zillion IT Solutions

Design is fundamentally a form of communication—whether it's communicating ideas through text and visuals, or solving complex problems with colors, shapes and forms.

Communication effectiveness means you deliver a message and the receiver understands it exactly as you intended.Communication efficiency means that you deliver your message quickly in a way that allows the receiver to hear it, interpret and make use of it as you intended.

Be an amazing collaborator Zillion IT Solutions

We've all been there: difficult clients whose phone calls we dread, revision requests that appear from thin air, stakeholders coming out of the woodwork at the very last minute, and team members who don't deliver on what they promise.

Effective collaboration is essential to the success of your business. It can lead to new solutions, skills, products, services, and bring your team closer together.Collaboration, whether by choice or necessity, can be emotional and even downright messy. The more passionate and personally invested each collaborator is, the higher the likelihood that disagreements will occur, eventually bringing with them some interpersonal tension.

Harness your confidence responsibly Zillion IT Solutions

Confidence is an incredibly important soft skill for your development as a designer. It means, above all, knowing your worth so that you can charge the prices you deserve. When unreasonable requests roll in, it's confidence that gives you the strength to push back.

Confidence is our greatest personal resource. With it, we can face our fears and overcome any obstacles. Without it, we're destined to fail. If you've ever heard your inner voice questioning your talents, your smarts, or your abilities, this month's newsletter is for you! We're talking about how to harness the power of confidence.

Give and receive valuable feedback Zillion IT Solutions

It can be painful when someone criticizes work you've spent hours on and believe passionately in—but it doesn't always have to be. You can train yourself to welcome constructive feedback by simply shifting your thinking, and remembering that every critique is an opportunity to grow and learn.

Feedback is using your experience to help someone else gain some valuable experience too. Feedback is having someone's back so that they repeat the positive and change the negative. But in order for feedback to happen, the time and energy you exert has to been conscious.

Stay curious and humble Zillion IT Solutions

Even the most experienced designers never stop learning. Things change, trends evolve and every project presents a different set of challenges. So go with the flow. Only when you put your ego aside can you truly open your eyes and mind to unexpected perspectives and possibilities. You never know where you'll end up when you do.

With the abundance of information these days, it's really hard to focus on one thing. People are telling you all sorts of things, and sometimes it's hard to discern what's true and what's not true.

Practice resilience Zillion IT Solutions

Even when you feel like you've reached a certain level, new challenges can spring up from seemingly nowhere. But it's the small moments—the freedom to create and an ecstatic client at the end of the day—that make the journey worthwhile.

Nurture a positive view of yourself. Developing confidence in your ability to solve problems and trusting your instincts helps build resilience. Keep things in perspective. Even when facing very painful events, try to consider the stressful situation in a broader context and keep a long-term perspective.

What's Your Design Strategy?

Don't confuse design strategy with a creative brief. Design strategy is how we recommend approaching a project while a creative brief frames the goals and objectives. Both are important.

So what components go into a design strategy?

Any design strategy should address the following:

  1. Existing problems and ongoing challenges
  2. Current benefits and successes to be leveraged
  3. Unmet client/customer needs
  4. Changing client/customer behaviors and attitudes
  5. Emerging ideas and trends
  6. Opportunities to differentiate

Some of the steps to take for performing a design strategy include:

  1. REVIEW – What are the design's measurable goals and objectives?
  2. SCAN – What internal and external factors impact the design?
  3. FORM – How will the design work to meet these challenges and opportunities?
  4. IMPLEMENT – What exactly will we do? Who exactly will do it? How will it be done?
  5. EVALUATE – How well does the design achieve its goals and objectives?
  6. MAINTAIN – Do we need adjustments or do we keep the design as it is?

A design strategy affects every aspect from advertising & promotions to employees to product design and encompass all media.

So that brings us to the final question… will a design strategy result in a better creative solution? The answer, if the design process is well thought out and executed, then it will become obvious on whether or not the strategy was a success. As designers, our objective is clear, we need to absorb all the information at hand from our clients, have a complete understanding of the objective and goal and be able to bridge the gap between creative solution thinking and the intended purpose of the business strategy. The result: a better and custom defined design that communicates a clear message to the specific audience we want to reach.

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